years old
Condition: Sensory Processing
A 4-month brain based training regiment, including visual and motor workouts, helped Kathryn organize her thoughts, improve reading comprehension and hand writing skills.
Kathryn was diagnosed at a young age with sensory processing and then with type-1 diabetes.  She complained of having trouble reading and needed to listen to audio books to process the information.  Kathryn also complained of poor handwriting and wanted to be able organize and express her thoughts to prepare for college and train to fulfil her dream of becoming a pilot.  Kathryn initially tested below average with fine motor and upper limb coordination skills on a standardized assessment.  She participated in 4 months of brain-based therapy and increased her coordination scores to average or above average for her age.  Kathryn is now reading 500+ page textbooks, read all the Harry Potter books, is getting compliments on her handwriting, has 4.0 GPA, and recently took her first solo flight and is now a sport licensed pilot. “Before brain training with Danielle, I had to read things four times to understand.  But reading isn’t miserable anymore and I genuinely enjoy it” -Kathryn
Progress Data
Kathryn's Case PRE-Scores BOT2 Subtest
Total Points PRE-Scale Score Description
Fine Motor Precision 35 7 Below Average
Fine Motor Integration 30 6 Below Average
Manual Dexterity 34 13 Average
Upper-Limb Coordination 35 10 Below Average
Bilateral Coordination 25 18 Average
4 Months Later POST-Scores BOT2 Subtest
Total Points PRE-Scale Score Description
Fine Motor Precision 39 12 Average
Fine Motor Integration 40 19 Average
Manual Dexterity 39 20 Below Average
Upper-Limb Coordination 37 15 Average
Bilateral Coordination 24 18 Average