years old
Condition: Autism
Eager to overcome his obstacles, Joe went from slouching, squinting, avoiding eye contact and communication to standing upright, increased eye-contact and could now perform higher-level coordination and scored average in most areas.
Joe is a quiet 17 year old that was diagnosed with autism and preparing to graduate high school.  He tended to slouch in his chair, squint his eyes, and needed a direct instruction to initiate activity.   Joe avoided eye contact and social engagement and/or communication.  He struggled with basic coordination and was not able to catch a small ball or stand on one foot.  His scores were initially well-below to below average.  Joe participated in therapy for 3 months with noticeable improvements.  He was now standing upright and occasionally making eye-contact.  He could perform higher-level coordination and scored average on most areas tested.  Joe is better able to process, follow directions, and initiate daily routine.  He was able to graduate high-school and now has a full-time job where he was able to make friends and be successful.
Progress Data
Joe's Scores PRE-Scores BOT2 Subtest
Total Points PRE-Scale Score Description
Fine Motor Precision 37 8 Below Average
Fine Motor Integration 34 7 Below Average
Manual Dexterity 28 8 Well-Below Average
Upper-Limb Coordination 23 5 Well-Below Average
Bilateral Coordination 16 6 Below Average
3-Months Later POST-Scores BOT2 Subtest
Total Points PRE-Scale Score Description
Fine Motor Precision 39 11 Average
Fine Motor Integration 35 7 Below Average
Manual Dexterity 39 20 Below Average
Upper-Limb Coordination 34 8 Below Average
Bilateral Coordination 24 17 Average